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California Gov. Newsom awards nearly $131M to clear homeless encampments

SACRAMENTO – California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Friday that the state is awarding 18 communities with nearly $131 million to clear homeless encampments while also providing shelter and support.
The funding, which totals $130.7 million, comes from the Encampment Resolution Funding program to help 18 cities, counties and continuums of care.
“We’re supporting local communities’ efforts to get people out of encampments and connected with care and housing across the state,” Newsom said. “It’s important and urgent work that requires everyone to do their part. The state has committed more than $27 billion to help local governments tackle the homelessness crisis – and we want to see $27 billion worth of results.”
The money is projected to help 3,364 people living in encampments and permanently house 1,565 people, Newsom’s office said.
The ERF program has invested $737 million for 109 projects in California, with Newsom’s office saying it transitioned nearly 21,000 people out of homelessness. 
Newsom also announced the state is increasing its accountability measures when it comes to receiving homeless funding. 
The new measures require local governments to maintain a compliant housing element while sticking to all planning, permitting, entitlement, fair housing and homelessness laws.
Anyone local government that fails to follow these laws risks the state revoking the award funds, as well as potential enforcement actions by the state’s Housing Accountability Unit.
These measures come days after Norwalk, a Los Angeles County city that recently banned homeless shelters, lost eligibility for state housing and homeless funds after Newsom said the ban was unlawful. Newsom has threatened that the state may sue Norwalk if the city doesn’t change course.
