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‘Blue billion-pound bottle jobs’ signals the second coming of Neville, football pundit

Neville is back doing what he does best although the verbosity of commentary partner Peter Drury will not be to everyone’s tastes

There was some interesting insight from Peter Drury into the commentator’s art and difficulties when he chatted to Sky Sports reporter colleague Dharmesh Sheth during the Main Event build-up of the League Cup Final. Drury said that it is “foolish” to script or prepare lines, because the innately “chaotic” nature of a football match means you “have to be receptive to any situation”.
One must therefore infer that Peter’s poetry, his rhetorical flourishes, come to him in the moment, born mysteriously yet majestically on the zephyrs of spontaneous creativity wafting majestically yet mysteriously around the Sky commentary box. Either that or he’s getting too heady a whiff of Jamie Redknapp’s ‘Elite Gentleman’ eau de toilette in the make-up truck. Yesterday’s included:
(At kick off) “The rhapsody in blue in thrilling discord with the red Mersey beat.”
“And the ribbons are red, a first glittering adornment on Jurgen Klopp’s farewell.”
“The Klopp kids, the Kop kids have done it.”
(Upon spying the trophy before presentation) “The golden sky, the sweet silver song of the lark.”
Intoxicating stuff, best consumed with caution and, it has to be said, not to everybody’s taste. And yet for all Drury’s lyrical ambition, the day’s best line belonged not to him but to Gary Neville, who said: “Klopp’s kids against the blue billion pound bottle jobs”, a stinging and funny construction, or deconstruction, and further evidence that as an on-mic analyst and chucker of commentary hand grenades, there is no one better than Gurreh. When he uses his considerable gifts of insight, quick wit and appetite for conflict on football punditry, he’s still essential viewing. Hopefully, although one cannot predict this with confidence, he appears to have made a decision to move away somewhat from the days of his four-quadrant total media blitz, his position as a one-man opinion factory and self-actualising media node.
In his own words, he was “not in the media, but someone who gives out content” and for a few years – perhaps it was in part because he had too much time on his hands during Covid – boy was he giving out that content. Spraying it around. For a while there, it was impossible to turn on the TV or open the paper, let alone the internet, without reading of Red Nev firing off a broadside against this, or taking up the cudgels against that, and very often his hobby horses were only tangentially related to football. The government, the opposition, the environment, club ownership, media deals, labour relations, the nature of capitalism, you name it, all were within his purview and he was afforded, quite reasonably, limitless opportunities and platforms from which to speak his brains. It became too much of a good thing.
What a long, strange trip it has been for the boy from Bury. Who would have predicted, during his playing days as Sir Alex’s representative on earth, that this dogged full-back, baiter of opponents, Anyone But United poster boy for the dartboard and general all-round irritant would become a media darling? As Andy Gray had before him, and Alan Hansen, Neville elevated and redefined the role of the ex-pro football analyst via Monday Night Football and on co-commentary: telling the layperson viewer things they didn’t know, shrewd, opinionated and illuminating. Sky clearly couldn’t believe their luck, and they got luckier still when Jamie Carragher turned out to be a perfect partner for him. But like many watchable people with total conviction in their own opinions, there was a lack of self-awareness equal and opposite to the communication skills. And this lead to a certain preposterousness regarding off-pitch issues, such as when he invented the concept of “the mini-retirement” or, as the rest of the human race calls it, “a holiday”. His focus appears to have shifted back to football of late, and this is very good news for TV viewers although not, on this occasion, for the manager of Chelsea.
