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PMC to procure new gauges to resolve low water pressure complaints

After receiving numerous complaints about low water pressure in various parts of the city the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) will now be using modern water pressure gauges replacing the conventional method of road excavation.
Traditionally, the water supply team would dig roads near the water channels in response to complaints, checking water pressure manually by tapping into the channels. This process, carried out several times a year, incurred repair costs ranging from ₹5,000 to ₹7,000 for each excavation.
These new gauges will enable direct measurement of water pressure from taps, allowing the PMC water supply department to assess the situation within minutes.
Nandkishor Jagtap, chief superintendent engineer of the water supply department, said, “This innovative method not only ensures faster resolution but also saves the excavation costs.”
By investing in approximately 70 to 75 pressure gauges at a cost of around ₹9,000 to 10,000 each, the PMC will spend ₹ 7 lakh. The longevity of these gauges ensures that the PMC will not need to purchase new ones annually, resulting in significant cost savings.
As PMC has ageing water channels, some of which are 30 to 40 years old and PMC has undertaken work to replace it.
The civic body has deployed 15 teams across 15 regional offices to address complaints arising from damaged or obstructed water channels, ensuring a more streamlined and responsive resolution process.
